2 year old wont drink water?

My baby just turned 2 this month. She will not drink water. Never has. We typically mix juice with water. Usually 70% water, 30% juice and she will drink that but I want her to drink water alone because I’m worried about her only ever drinking juice. She will drink milk once in a while but it’s rare, if she does she’ll only drink about half a cup a day. I’ve tried slowly cutting juice out and mixing more water but she just cries and gives me her cup, or she’ll carry it around all day until bedtime not drinking it at all. I’ve also tried putting different fruits in water, she doesn’t like that. What else can I give her to keep her hydrated besides juice? She won’t drink the sugar free juices or anything that has veggies in it either. I’m worried she will get dehydrated. We’ve also tried different types of water. Tap, bottled, filtered, well water, everything. She simply doesn’t want it because it has no taste

Edit: thought I should add, she’s always thirsty. She just won’t drink water, she drinks a lot though. She always gives me her cup when she’s thirsty, she simply just won’t drink water