Annoying MIL rant! No advice needed, just venting.

I seriously can't even handle my mil's bull any more! She lives with us. I am pregnant.

Generally, she is trying to be helpful, which is sweet and appreciated, but she doesn't seem to understand what help means. So far this morning she has asked me several questions, all of which I have politely declined and then received anyway. Example:

Her:"Do you want a cup of coffee?"

Me:"No thank you."

Two minutes later she hands me coffee. Annoying, but not a big deal.

Her:"Do you want some pancakes?"

Me:"No thank you, I don't like pancakes, so they would be wasted."

A few minutes later she hands me a plate with 4 huge pancakes covered in peanut butter and sorghum. There is literally nothing on that plate I like in even the tiniest amount. I waited until she left room and threw it away.

She comes back and hands me a second cup of coffee without asking this time, while the first cup is untouched sitting next to me. I say, "No thanks, I haven't finished that one yet." She yelled at me.

"Well, why did you ask for all of this if you didn't want any of it? I'm just trying to help you!" I didn't even respond because she walked off.

I try to get up to go to the bathroom, she tells me I need to rest and FOLLOWS me to the bathroom, then stands outside the door asking if I need help! Try to clean the kitchen, "that's too much for you!" Try to cook dinner, "you shouldn't be lifting that!" Play with my kids, "your gonna hurt the baby!"

Now she's in the kitchen loading the dishwasher, loudly exclaiming how she's the only one who does anything around here and we ask her for things just so we can make her work. And when she's done, she will do what she always does... Moan all day about how tired she is, how she over did it, how she's not supposed to be on her feet like this. Then she'll spend weeks on her room doing nothing.

Same pattern all the time. A few days bombarding me with questions and unwanted assistance, taking over tasks, and complaining the whole time no matter what my response is. Followed by weeks of sulking because she's unappreciated and exhausted.

I'm just over it. I'm sure from her perspective she slaves away at our request, but reality is we don't ask her for or to do anything. She asks us a million questions and ignores the answers. It's like she WANTS to be a victim. I don't get it.

Anyway, I just wanted to get this off my chest so I don't go off on her for what is really just an annoyance that has built up over time to the point I would overreact if I addressed her directly.