False labor rant!

Nessie • 💐

I woke up very sick yesterday morning. I was hot one minute, cold the next. Sneezing, coughing, scratchy throat & my whole body ached especially my legs. It hit me all at once like a ton of bricks & I’m almost positive I caught it from my fiancé who is still currently getting rid of his sickness. Where I’m 37 weeks pregnant I’ve had a lot of pelvis, back, groin & sciatic nerve pains but for some reason everything was hurting a bit more then usual & a little different then I’m used to. I honestly didn’t think it was labor until I started googling about it & apparently it could have been back labor. I went to my moms house (she’s my neighbor btw) & at this point I was miserable. I didn’t hardly sleep that night, all I wanted to do was sleep but nothing I done or any positions I got in helped me or gave me any relief. I was just sick a few weeks back & I was in misery then. So just remembering how I just had felt, knowing how I’m feeling now & worrying if I’ll be sick like this the rest of my pregnancy got me very emotional. Plus the fact my body did ache & I couldn’t sleep definitely didn’t help. I started crying & my mom immediately thinks I’m in labor which I can understand when someone cries while telling you they hurt all over & they’re pregnant especially 37 weeks along I can definitely understand why she’d assume it could be labor. I get that, but I instantly told her I didn’t think it was labor. I’m sick & it all started the night before. She still wanted to call me an ambulance since my fiancé was at work & she doesn’t drive. I tell her not to, I just needed to rest & find a place that’s comfortable. She then calls my dad (they’re separated) & tells him to be on stand by because she thinks I’ll have my baby by the next day & that I’m in labor. They start arguing because my dad doesn’t want to take me to the hospital even if I needed to go because he thinks it’s my fiancé’s job to do that not his, when my dad’s only about 10 minutes away & my fiancé is all the way in the next state over working...so hypothetically if it was real labor my dad wouldn’t have took me anyway. So they start fighting...I get in my moms bed & I sleep for pretty much the rest of that day. My mom decides to post on fb making it public to everyone I know that ill have my baby soon within the weekend & that I’m in labor. Which is completely false...I’m literally just sick, I did question it at first because of google, but honestly I just didn’t feel as if it was time nor was it extreme enough to even go to the hospital. I had sooo many people messaging me asking me if I’m okay, a ton of people commented wishing me luck & a healthy labor...I had to go back through & let everyone know that it wasn’t labor, I’m simply sick & im having some body aches on top of already being pregnant. No I didn’t feel good at all, but I also just knew it wasn’t labor either. I had people tell me to go to the hospital anyway cause it sounded like labor. I had already seen my doctor literally the day before all this started & I had a cervical check, it’s closed but softening. Plus I called my doctor again the morning I woke up sick asking her if I needed to go to my local doctor over the sickness even though I was already taking Amoxicillin for being GBS positive & she said no, they won’t treat me since I’m already on antibiotics & it should knock whatever it is out anyway. All she told me to do was also take some Tylenol to reduce any fever I might have & if it got worse in a few days to come see her. So I listened to my doctor & today (the next day) I’m feeling so much better. My body isn’t aching like it was, I’m still sneezing & coughing but at least I don’t hurt like I did & I’m not running a fever anymore. Seeing how everyone literally tripped out over just a “false alarm”...seriously makes me wonder how everyone is gonna act when it’s the real deal. I can clearly see now I can’t depend on my dad, my mom gets way to hyped up, Family members try to tell me what’s going on with my own body, as if they really know...I honestly think when I do go into labor everyone’s just gonna freak out. 🙄