Looking for a cycle buddy that’s TTC! 💓 My period usually start within a day or two of the predicted date on my app, usually lasts 5-6 days. I am TTC but I don’t use OPK or anything, me and DH actually just started last cycle but wasn’t active on the co

Lala • mommy to a baby boy💙

Period usually starts within a day or two of predicted date on my app. Lasts usually 5-7 days including ending spotting. Cramps are not too bad since I recently went to the doctor and she prescribed me Ibuprofen 800 and she told me start taking up to 3-4 days before expected period to prevent such bad cramps, started that last cycle and I must say it helped A LOT. Me and DH have started TTC, I don’t use OPK or anything usually because I cramp during ovulation and I’m familiar with checking discharge so yeah but we’ve been trying the last two cycles, the first we weren’t active on the correct days... Just very active 😂 Buuut this cycle as you can see we have been baby dancing all week since my birthday(on the 12th) I think I ovulated on the 16th rather than the next day because that’s when most of my cramping was. But I’m obviously ranting so if we are period buddies with similarities replyyy(: