I can't stand my SO's sisters

Okay I just need to rant cause I'm irritated. I moved in with my boyfriend and we live with his dad. At one point one of his three sisters was living with us too (she moved an hour away a couple of months ago). I have so much resentment towards all of them because of how they act and how they treat people. So sometimes (almost every weekend) his sisters come visit. Let me just tell you guys. I clean a lot. I feel like 24/7. I try to keep the house clean because I like to make my SO and his dad happy and it makes me happy to be appreciated for it too:) but every time his sister come over they trash the house!!! One of his sisters likes to eat all our food and then leaves her dirty, crusty dishes on our coffee table and then leaves and let's me pick up after her!! Also she likes to use all our food to make meals for us (which is cool cause food) but then she leaves every single dish a mess and all over the counter. Like she doesn't even have the decency to put it in the sink. And we have a cat(she's the sweetest little thing) and his oldest sister likes to bring her very cat aggressive dogs over to come and terrorize my cat or they lock her in our room. And his middle sister always comes over and takes our stuff like cooking supplies, our laptop, like literally anything and everything she thinks it's hers automatically because this is her dads house. Which would be okay if she asked first but she just assumes she can. And if I ask for the laptop for my college classes then she gets pissy and is like "when can I have it back?" Like bit** get your own laptop. (Her 3 year old broke hers) and when I've been there I've seen her let her daughter take OUR laptop, pick it up and throw it on the floor and stomp on it and all she said was "stop baby" like I'm am so done with his family and idk what to do. My boyfriend knows how I feel I've spoken with him about it before and he said honestly if they weren't his sisters he'd have nothing to do with them and I want to move out so bad because then i could tell them to leave or to not come at all.