help I'm a jealous bitch

Felecia • 23, mom to an adorable 1yr old

like seriously. I trust my bf ive known him since i was 14 and never once has he given me a reason not to. little back story we dated when I was 16 he was 18. we ended things because I had to move; my grandmother was sick and so we moved to help my grandfather take care of her. fast forward to when I was 18 we got in touch again; he helped me out of an abusive relationship. his ex who at the time was trying to get him back blocked me on everything changed his passwords and he just thought I was ignoring him and that I left him. fast forward again to now. I'm 23 hes 25 he again helped me out of an abusive relationship( I havent had a normal healthy relationship since him) anyways I'm moving in with him in a week or so. currently he lives in Texas and I in Louisiana. well the reason I'm a jealous bitch. I don't give a fuck if he has friends that are girls be friends with whom ever you want But the moment you tell me some girl is flirting with you I get irritated and jealous. well I feel like a jealous selfish bitch. this girl who was flirting with him only reached out because He commented on a post she made to a fb group. she is currently in an abusive relationship with I kid you not a fucking pedophile. this guy she's with is fucking gross he started dating her when she was 14 and he was 24. she is now 18 with a 4 yr old. anyways he told me tonight about the flirting and that he always changes the subject. I trust him it's just I can't stand when people flirt with my man. granted she didn't know about me yet but still it gets under my skin. don't get me wrong im irritated with him because he didnt tell her right away. he told her tonight. .theyve only been messaging back and forth for like less than a week. but it still fucks with my head. I have to keep reminding myself that he has never hurt me and that he has never given me a reason to distrust him. he was honest...a little late but honest none the less. I just don't know how to tell my head and heart to stop worrying. I know I'm my gut I have nothing to worry about but my head and heart keep thinking of all the other guys who have hurt me in every sense of the word. can anyone help me make this stop? on top of that I feel worse because this girl has no one on her team. this guy shes with could seriously hurt her or their child and I'm over here like bitch leave my man alone. take his advice and get the fuck out of that relationship but now since you know about me dont fucking flirt with my bf. like honestly if she we're to do it again id tell him not to talk to her but then again its like she has no one. ugh sometimes I hate being empathetic.