Would you be annoyed? Sorry so long


My husband was asked yesterday if he wants to do a 6 week program to possibly become a full time manager! I have been the bread winner for 3 years and he would FINALLY be bringing in more than me! So much less stress financially because his income will be more than double. So this is very exciting news especially when we’re about to start paying daycare expenses.

However, he’ll be working 12 hour shifts Monday-Friday. We will basically see him on the weekends. Well last night he tells me since he’ll be basically working and sleeping during the week - he wants to RELAX on the weekends.

I work full-time too and will be working from home in a few weeks. I’m very active in cub scouts for our 8 year old son (advancement chair, assistant den leader, and fundraising chair). He does multiple activities which include: art class (he’s actually really talented), tutoring, cub scouts, and baseball during fall and spring which is 3 times a week. I take our son to all of this everyday and my husband will go with me to games on weekends. Sometimes during the week if he gets off early and it’s a 7:30 game.

I’m also the one who handles all of my sons homework, finances, cooking, maintaining our house / cleaning as well. I’m 31 weeks pregnant and will be basically handling this child too. WHEN DO I GET TO RELAX?!? I’ll probably cut back on some activities for son but I tried to tell my husband that I’ll be putting in 12 hour days too but don’t get to lay back and do nothing on the weekends. I’m not a SAHM but I have all the responsibilities of one plus a full time career. It’s like he’s already trying to prep me to get out of doing ANYTHING around the house. Our house is 2,400 sf btw and we have 3 dogs (2 labs that SHED like crazy)! I just looked at him and was like we will be hiring a maid. He was like maybe every other week.

I don’t know if it’s my hormones but that one comment just rubbed me the wrong way.