Milk leakage 😬😳

Ok guys, so we are ttc baby #2. My first child is 2.5 years old. So, I breast fed him until he was one and naturally dried up but I could still squeeze out a tiny tiny bit of milk (like in a hot shower or something like that) until he was about 1.5 years old. That being said leads me to this- my next period is supposed to start next Wednesday and I have been having some same symptoms as I did the first go around. Sore boobs, itchy boobs, gassy, dry skin and now as of tonight... a tiny tiny bit of milk came out when I squeezed my boobs in the hot shower😳😳😳 is it even possible for milk to start coming in this soon??? I mean if I am pregnant I am seriously like 1.5 weeks pregnant. Hahah. This is crazy. Anybody experience this?