Vaginal Health Help: BV

Emie • Wildlife tech 😄

I’ve been battling with yeast and BV all 2017 since accidentally taking some antibiotics for UTI wrong (missed some doses) Just finished 7 day metronidazole gel treatment Thursday night and got sick Friday night. Fever, chill, sweating, etc. I’ve got some itching going on and I’m worried that with my weakened immune system from being sick it didn’t clear it up.

What have y’all done to clear up BV? I’ve slacked on being active and I definitely could eat better. I’m feeling so defeated from all this. I’m about to take a job into the middle of no where, where I won’t have access to health care and I just want this to clear up!


Got myself two garden of life probiotics and will be seeing how they do!

Thank you all!