Am I a bad mom?

So my son is sick for the first time. He is 4 months old and has RSV and is straight up pitiful. The first day he had it his daddy stayed home with him and took him to the doc, but today he stayed with his aunt and tomorrow he will stay with his great-aunt and great-grandma (these are his normal Thursday and Friday sitters.) my family is awesome and I know he is in the best hands with them, and I double and triple checked that it was ok with them that they keep a sick baby.... but I just can’t shake it that I’m a bad mom for not staying home with him. I used up all of my sick days with maternity leave and we really can’t afford me to take a day with no pay unless absolutely necessary. To add insult to injury i am a teacher and getting a sub last minute is like pulling teeth.

Anywho... I just feel bad and need someone to tell me I’m not a bad mom. My little boy is my world!