I'm not their damn servant!!!

here we go ... In this house hold there is a total of 9 people living here including me... and I am the only adult not working so I keep the house clean as in our room, the kitchen, living room, bathroom down stairs, and JUST the tub in the upstairs bathroom since we use it to shower. It might be petty of me not to fully clean the bathroom upstairs but besides the fact that we don't use it only to shower it is beyond disgusting!!! urine and poop everywhere ... dried snot in sink hairs everywhere not to mention overflowing of the trash you can only imagine!!! I swear I've cleaned it all before but they can never clean after themsleves!!!! Plus 3 "GROWN" ass adults one being female use that bathroom the most and yet can't clean it themsleves so that's one thing!!! Now the living room... I have 2 children ages 7 and 3, during the day one is at school and the other at home with me of course he makes a mess and it's kept clean, I vacuum every other day but one of the "adults" leaves their jackets and shirts on the floor. He clearly goes to his room everyday!!! Wtf is the deal bend your ass over and take that crap with you!!! And of course I don't have a problem cleaning after my in-laws it's their house so I see it's only fair... now the biggest deal of all the kitchen!!!! 😡 I cook the food for everyone, obviously i clean the table, wash dishes, sweep and mop ... no one here is blind so they can clearly see it's clean!!! Yet they come home, dirty some dishes and just leave it in the sink to pile up for the follwoing day ... they don't put things back where they go/got it from!!! The pantry is always a mess apparently no one knows how to put things back where they go!!!! I mean I understand they come home tired but damn don't be lazy af' ... I've worked before and still had to come and clean after everyone like that shit isn't an excuse!!! ... I can not get over this shit.. and if I tell them something they get sooo damn butt hurt so damn sensitive!!! My SO just stated a new job at a higher pay rate and we are looking to move out as soon as possible cuz he sees all the stress I'm getting put through ... like I'll be petty and not clean at all ... let the weekend get here and have someone else do it but then my mother-in-law is all pissed!!! Yells at everyone saying "can't no one do a G damn thing around here" and I don't say nothing out of respect for her but I don't pay mind to it cuz I feel the same rage she does ... damn it just pissed me off to much ... if you got this far ... thanks ... I just had to get it off my chest!!!