Married To A 29 Year Old Boy

He's been into the selfish life right out of high school. His parents pretty much let him do whatever. There has been improvement over the years, but I only gave him another chance because he said things would change. Drugs, alcohol, porn, and not coming home until the next day or when I call a million times to make sure he's not dead when he goes out to have alone or guy time.

I'm pregnant with baby #3. I stay with our two boys 24/7 and have anxiety and depression. I don't always act how I should, but I always apologize right away and tell him my process that I know I affect him negatively and am working on it constantly.

What he does breaks me down. I don't know how you can be with someone and repeatedly make deliberate decisions that you know upset them and say that you love them. I've voiced how I feel and I just feel like his mom and like a broken record. I don't feel respected and am always the one trying to make the responsible decisions.

He's a 29 year old boy. Is that mean of me to say to him? I don't want to tear him down, but he needs to know that what he's doing with himself is immature and selfish. He has a wife and family and he can't make simple decisions when left to his own devices.

I want to respect him and encourage him to be the man he was meant to be, but he's not listening. I'm exhausted and fed up with the BS.