I didn't know they had nanny cams

I mean I would do this too. I wouldn't care how much I think I can trust someone, I don't know if they've always had cameras (they hid them well because I never saw them) or if they just got them.

But I baby sat someones baby and it's about the 4th time I have. Everything went fine. Baby played, ate, slept and then they came home and paid me and I left.

The next day (today) I get a video texted to me.. of me. The baby woke up once and i picked her up out of her crib and took her into the living room and held her and patted her back and shushed her back to sleep in the recliner. I told her she was lovely. I fell asleep with her for a minute but I am paranoid about accidentally hurting her so I woke myself up and carried her back into her room and put her in her crib. I sat by her crib just staring at her making sure she was breathing right. (Probably a bit paranoid) and btw she had just eaten like an hour before and her diaper was dry so she just needed to be soothed.

But apparently mom and dad thought this was really sweet and "loved to see it"

Idk I just did what I always do I mean it's what you do when baby wakes up😂 now im going to be looking everywhere for those invisible cameras lol