Best way to find a good job?


Ok at the risk of sounding like a complete dumbass I am posting this question because Im really that desperate and at my wits end.

For background I’m currently a security officer, but I’ve never held a full time job. I have an associates degree and I think I’m hard working and dependable, but I’ve always struggled with finding a job. I make $11 an hour working part time. I found out about this job from a friend of my husband and luckily I had prior experience.

Also asking for my husband since he recently quit his job due to illness and is now looking for something new. He only has a GED, but can usually find a job quite easily, but this time is different. I think he just needs to get his butt in gear and look more and apply more. I’m honestly getting frustrated.

I usually look on, but I mostly just see more of the same on there.

What do you do? Do you have a degree? I feel so lost and inadequate.