Thought I’d share my story

I’ve read quite a few stories from you ladies who have dealt with some sh*t in the past, thought I’d share something I went through.

I met this boy end of 2014, we got really close, everything was perfect, we met in 2015 and basically just hit it off from there. We were in a long distance relationship just over 200 miles apart. I stayed with my boyfriend and his mum a week here and there when we were in a long distance relationship, we always went places and did things together.

I moved in with him and his Mum middle of 2016. It was great at first, I got a job doing what I love, we both had money coming in and then my life turned to hell.

She got controlling and aggressive towards me where it got to the point I HAD to do what she said or she’d flip her lid, she’d slam doors and shout at me. She even once broke the lock on the door, barged her way in and shouted in my face! I honestly can’t put into words how badly treated I was by someone who barely knows me. And it was hard because I’d moved all this way to be with my boyfriend thinking it’ll all be perfect. I had a job which I couldn’t just walk out off, my family were so far away I literally had nowhere to go. I’d shut myself in his bedroom and just cry because it was so bad.

Anyway, I left, we left. We’re renting our own place. Me, him and now we’ve got a doggie. It’s not the best place because I was just so focused on getting away from her but we’ve made it our own and we’re happy again. I see his mother now and again because she’s still his mum so I just have to deal with her being around but I can never forgive or forget the way she treated me.

Be careful out there ladies, people have two sides to them.