Just wanted to get this off my chest

So I was dating this boy my freshman year well we started talking my 8 grade year and started dating my freshman year and I lost my virginity to him and I was so in love well I thought. but we stopped being together but we were still fw eachother like we knew what it was lol so that continued blah blah and towards the end of the year he started fw with my "friend " we were real good friends and I felt so betrayed and hurt. So he's with my "friend" now but he would still hmu and stuff like we never stopped talking or whatever. Now he's been kinda disrespectful to me cause he knows I'm not gone stop fw him and knows I care about him. But I really kept doing it because I felt she did me wrong so I felt the need to do it to her also. Now I realized my worth and that he doesn't really want me anymore he just knows I'm someone that he can always talk to or fw . The recent times he has hit me up I either lied or didn't text him back. I feel so good because it took me soooo long to actually realize he just wanted me for sex . I cried felt depressed and all thought there was something wrong with me but now I know it's not he just used me and I was to dumb to realize it but now I do! I feel so much better letting his toxic energy go . It literally was messing with me had me all types of mad and I used to be the sweetest girl ! And everyone notices how I'm acting now which I hate that I'm like this now🤦🏽‍♀️but I just can't let someone get me like that anymore 🤷🏽‍♀️but I'm talking someone else now finally lol took a while to move on . But I just wanted to share that and how it might take a while but if someone's continuously shows they don't care about you and so on let them go! What you allow is what will happen