dont know what to do anymore

im pregnant with our third baby and my husband only wants to do drugs and get drunk and say completely rude hurtfull things tells me hes done and he wants me out of his life tells me I should just go kill myself(knowing that I will do it and have tried right in front of him the last time he said to) that I should give our kids up because I cant raise them(even though Im the only one who is with them 24/7) and wont let me lay my head on him or anything like that but will let his friends 16 year old sister lay all on him wont take me anywhere but lets her go with him everywhere ive threatened to take the kids and leave but in front of people he says mean things but then when I pack the kids and my stuff he begs me t

o stay and tells me I belong to him that im not going anywhere or he will hit me if I say something that pisses him off I love him but I just dont know what to do anymore I cry all the time I want to just kill myself I cant take it anymore