Job Advice: should I stay or should I go?


25 years old. Been out of college for a little over 2 years.

First job post grad - 1.5 years. Operations in a hotel

Moved back to my home state for family issues.

Got this job in October. 4 months in. Sales in a hotel

I work 10 hours a day plus a 2 hour commute in a job Im just not passionate about. I’ve been fairly sick for 3 months. So the combination of all the things has done a number on my mental health.

Im exhausted. I’m not happy. I know a job is hard work (I don’t want to come across as the lazy millennial) - but I literally dread coming to work everyday. I don’t do well in sales. I have a great people person personality but focusing on a sales goal every month. I’m best at impressing people on site. I miss being in operations.

My mental health has been less than stellar. So I have been looking into other jobs but I have heard mixed reviews on whether or not I leave as soon as I find another job - or if I should force myself to stick it out 6 months or 1 year.

I don’t want to seem like a job hopper but I feel like I won’t make it a year.
