Husband who thinks of his parents and sister always first!!!

My husband and I have been married for 12 yrs now. But ever since we got married he always sends his family back home money. We have 3 kids and been struggling ever since because he never has a stable job. And when he does he is always thinking about his family. So This month was my second sons birthday and guess what he was payed off and we had no money to buy him at least a cake. My mother bought my son a cake and had a lovely time. My sister in law has a baby girl that turne 1. So no my hubby has been working for 2wks he called me and asked me to send them a $100 because they are going to make his niece a party. Mind you I am very 😠. He always sends them money on regular basis more on special occasions. My kids have never had a BParty payed by their Dad. He doesn’t even freakin remember their birthday or even says anything. When it comes to me he could give a dam. And since I opposed him sending money for a party because we have bills to pay he is mad at me. He is mad at me!!! S

Someone please give me advice.

UPDATE: It has be a 3 days since we spoke on the phone. He works out of town. I understand he is mad at me,but he know the kids have the flu and hasn’t called once to check on them.😔☹️ To be honest I think this time we are both thinking the same thing,DIVORCE. 12 yrs of marriage thrown away just because I defend our family’s interest before his family. I am very sad and I’m hurting very much,but what can I do? At this time I don’t think there is anything more to fight for. My children’s well being come first. Even though I am torn apart because I gave a lot to this marriage and fought so hard all these years. I’m tired of always letting things go,I’m tired of always letting him get away with irresponsibility,I’m tired of not being loved and cared for the right way. I’m tired of him always trying to solve everything with sex. I’m tired!!!!!