What is going on

My period is 6 days late. I'm on birth control and also always use condoms. i wasn't worried or stressed about anything so i don't think i missed my period because of that, my sleep schedule didn't change, not my diet, not anything. I'm so confused because i took two pregnancy tests today and they were both negative. my period has never been irregular, only for two months after my miscarriage. that was almost two years ago. I'm so confused. I don't know what's going on. 🤷🏻‍♀️ my nipples are so sore and i'm cramping but it feels different from period cramps. i don't know what's going on 😭. has this happened to anyone else?

a little add on; my two cats have both been laying near or on my belly for like 9ish days now. idk i thought it was just something to add