
Ugggggggggggggggggggh!!!!!!! okay y'all so heres whats been going on. i had a c section a week and a half ago on january 24. i was discharged 1 day after and had to go to ER 3 days after. when i went to the ER I got all these tests done, got a shit ton of blood taken, was in a ton of pain and was overall just HELLA grumpy. i went in with a fever of 103 which usually screams infection but they jusr poked my incision a bit and called my obgyn, and because he couldnt come down to the hospital, he asked them to have the on call ob down there come take a look at me which they DIDNT. these bitches said "why shpuld we call down another doctor just to poke at you some more hahaha" like Bitch maybe because HE KNOWS WHAT HES LOOKING AT! Anyway so after they basically took the rest of my blood, stuffed another cathader in me and put me through immense ammounts of pain, they perscribed me an antibiotic and i left. THEN 5 days later i had to go BACK to the ER because my incision was INFECTED

The doctor there decided he meed to re cut open my incision because there was about a weeks worth of puss in there and im just sitting here like

thats funny because the last doctpr said nothing was wrong and i was perfectly fine ahaha isnt that funny. Anyway so the doctor "numbs" me up and starts to poke around my incision with the scalpel to make sure it doesnt hurt you know just standard stuff except it DID HURT LIKE THE NUMBING DID NOT WORK AT ALL which i told him i said hey i feel that its sharp and hes like "mm okay" and starts FUCKING CUTTING!!!! So im just sitting here casually getting re cut open CRYING because of how bad it hurts and wishing i was dead. He then proceeded to stuff my incision with a wick and told my mom (who was there with me) that it shpuld dry up within 24 hours and to pull it out in 48. which brings us to today. its now been almost 48 hours after that last visit and it hast dried up. so now i have to go back to the ER and get poked and prodded AGAIN.

and bitch let me tell you I AM DONE. in the past week ive had 15 shots, 2 IVs, 2 cathaders, had my blood drawn 6 times, had 1 spinel, and have now been cut open twice. and on top of all of that, my baby was born 15 weeks early and almost died his first night in the nicu which is why i was discharged from the hospital 2 days early. i feel like god is just pelting me with pain and stress right now and im done with it

this mama just wants to sleep and see her baby 😭 also heres some pictures of the incision

the wick hanging out

the ammount of puss coming out

UPDATE!!!! So im back in the ER tonight with a fever of 104. the docs are really confused because because my incision is looking great and all the tests ive had done in the past have come back negative. so theyve taken some more blood, i have my 4th (!) iv in, and am getting ready to go give a urine sample (thank god no cathader). They might do another CT scan (I already had one at the first ER visit after delivering) and unfortunately baby isnt doing good tonight, im at a different hospital than him and am kinda freaking out. hopefully everything turns out okay though praying for the best! ❤🤞