Preterm at 25 weeks

When i got to the hospital i was no cervix all bag. I have no idea how my water didnt break haha but when they did an ultra sound to check on him he was sideways, so i had a C Section 15 minutes later. thankfully my boyfriend stayed with me through the whole thing and was holding my hand through the procedure otherwise i dont know how i wouldve managed. i threw up during the op (partially onto my loving boyfriend unfortunately) and didnt even get to see my baby until he was transported to a different hospital. All i got to see was his tiny little foot before he was wheeled out. i managed to keep me and my boyfriend positive for the next day as i started recovery. We were both stressed, i still hadnt seen my baby yet and was freaking out internally but managed to stay calm for the most. me and my boo went on a lot of walks during the time we were there. after One day of staying in the hospital though our babys doctor came to visit us. I thought nothing of it i thought he was just in the hospital to get some papers or something and decided to stop by, so me and Der invited him in our room and we sat down to talk. Unfortunitly it wasnt just a typical update the doctor said that our baby had a brain bleed and might not make it thrpugh the night. He explained it all very well and asked us if we had any questions. i was scared, i couldnt think straight, Derek had some but i cant remember what they were, the doctor said he would let us have some time on our own and left. the second that door closed we broke down. i dont think ive ever cried so much. i got discharged one day after my surgery so i could go see my baby boy, and we spent the next couple days in a room they provided to us in the nicu. But here we are, almost 2 weeks later and our baby boy is doing great :) theyve taken him off some of his meds and are starting to ween him off his ventilator :) i am so greatful for all of the doctors and nurses who are working on him and keeping him alive and well and im so grateful for all the support we've gotten. im only 17 so while our baby wasnt planned he is still the most amazing thing in my life and i thank god for every day i get with him ❤