Wants me to be seen sooner

So at 29 weeks I was contracting and was 1cm and funneling was checked the morning I was being discharged from hospital and was 2cm 50%effaced and -3 and I went in to be checked at 30 weeks was the same told to go back to normal appointments every two weeks. So went to my follow up at 31 weeks didn't get checked but told them about this weird nasty mucusey discharge I had (thinking maybe be my mucus plug? ) well told me to schedule my next apt at 33 weeks. My midwife office called me this week wanted me to go and be seen at 32 weeks and keep my next apt at 33 weeks. I'm kind of nervous, they didn't tell me why or anything just that my midwife wants me to go and be seen. Has this happened to anyone?? What was the outcome?