Stressed and not losing weight

So about 2 years ago I decided it was time to do something about my weight. I wanted to get healthy for when my husband and I started TTC. When I started I was 275 and it was the heaviest I’ve ever been. I got started on drinking shakeology and exercising at least 5 days a week. I lost 50 pounds after about a year. At that point my husband and I decided we wanted to start trying. I had to stop drinking the shakeology because my Dr said some of the herbs in it weren’t safe if I were to get pregnant. So I just continued to eat right and exercise. However, TTC stress quickly took over me, and despite still working out, I wasn’t losing the weight anymore. I wanted to continue to lose weight bc I’m still very heavy. Now here I am a year later, still TTC with 1 miscarriage back in October and I’ve not lost anymore weight, in fact I’ve gained 10 pounds! By now I should have been at my goal weight. I’ve just gotten so frustrated with this whole process. I still eat fairly healthy, although I do have my bad days. I just feel like with everything I’ve been doing, I shouldn’t still be at this weight. Everyone keeps telling me that stress can cause me to hold on to my weight, but when I’m this big, I really didn’t think it would be this big of a problem. I’m trying to get my stress under control, it’s just hard when this whole ttc process has been hard on me. Just wanting some advice on anything I can do to get my weight loss on track again. Thank you!