10+ lbs of fat and never thought that was possible

If you look closely you see my back, arm, and thighs have slimmer slightly as well. And sadly my butt lost some fat as well. That’s okay I’ll just gain muscle back there soon.

Thighs, armpit and gut noticeably different.

Back, butt, thighs, and arms smaller.

I know it’s not much and I am already on the leaner side but I have been emotionally burdened with weight for so long and am finally seeing progress! Throughout the years I have tried everything: cardio, weight machines, eating salads only, but I have finally found something that works for me. AND ITS BEEN RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME THE WHOLE TIME! I now restrict my diet to less carbs and more protein (as much protein as possible actually) but I don’t count calories. I used to do this but would end up bingeing and destroying all of my progress in one lonely night. Now I do small indulgence. My workouts consisted of cardio and toning videos from “Popsugar fitness” (highly recommended for beginners). I was terrified at first to weight lift because I thought it would cause me to rapidly gain weight on the scale and I don’t think I was ready for that. But I got out of my comfort zone and started about two weeks ago. I lost 5 lbs from the first two weeks of cardio and have lost an addition 2.6 with the weightlifting (but probably lost a total of 10+ lbs in fat and gained the rest back in with muscle). I never imagined I would have to lose that much and more to reach my goal. I am nowhere near done with my fitness journey I want to slim myself some more and gain muscle to lightly tone my body! I’ll keep y’all updated:) Please comment lovingly below! I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle so please spread love to keep me motivated❤️