Motherly instincts are always right.

Cassidy 💜 • Mommy to a beautiful 1 year old!

My little boy became sick yesterday, in a matter of 24 hours.

Extremely sleepy, wouldn’t wake up for hours. Coughing until he gagged. Didn’t eat or drink. High fevers that Tylenol and Advil couldn’t tame.

I didn’t want to think it was the flu, because my first thoughts were all of the children that have been dying because of it.

So at 9:30pm last night, we got dressed, packed his bag, and went to the ER. I could’ve punched the women at the front desk, having the nerve to tell me I’m overreacting and that it’s probably a cold.

We sit and wait for hours watching more sick children come in. We finally get called to check his vitals, and he had a 104.3 fever and was severely dehydrated. They didn’t have to do a thing to realize he had the flu.

My heart ached watching my usually hyper, happy baby boy slumped over in my arms, having such a hard time keeping his eyes opens. I didn’t know the flu could be so scary.

It was so severe, that they were certain if I waited any longer, he would’ve gotten worse a lot faster and it wouldn’t have been good.

Mommas, if you think something is wrong, please act on it. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You aren’t overreacting, you aren’t dramatic. Don’t “give it another day or two”. Because if I did, my baby boy probably wouldn’t be next to me right now. It may not seem serious to some, but this was the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced and wouldn’t wish it on anyone.