Early Valentine's Surprise

Well, he did it again. My boyfriend of almost 6 years gave me a gift early for Valentine's Day. Two beautiful cards (one that was steered directly at his love for Me, and the second for his love for me as the mother of our two boys). Then there it was; ANOTHER ring box. I open it up, and it's two pretty gold rings, one with an opal, the second a small heart shape with what appear to be 3 small diamonds in the center). I've lost count now of how many rings he's gifted that have nothing to do with getting engaged. It's starting to be quite the joke in my head😂🤣😂🤣😂 Is my boyfriend the ONLY guy out there doing this?! I get it. He doesn't want to get married (we've had THE TALK) , he doesn't want to marry me, so why continue handing me a ring box on a special occasion? I'm almost insulted and a little annoyed. Is there any non pissy way to thank him for the beautiful jewelry and elude to the request for no more rings if it isn't to propose? Seriously, I've been given like ten rings 😵 I don't know how to react anymore. I truly appreciate the thought, but it always makes me internally bum out just as much. Suggestions??? EDIT FOR THOSE WHO'VE ASKED: He grew up around multiple, unhappy, failed marriages, so he's insistent that he doesn't see the positive in doing so... Even though he's made it seem that he maybe could actually take the leap. Believe me, he's known I only wanted to settle down and have more children with the man who was my husband (I've been divorced from my daughter's father for over a decade). I just really don't want to be handed anymore boxes of rings that isn't THE RING 😩