Could I have had a miscarriage??

So it is completely normal for me to have irregular cycles (23-32 day long cycles usually) but in August I had my period like normal, on the 26th. Well September came around, no AF. Did lots of pregnancy tests, all negatives. October, no AF. Many many more pregnancy tests, still negative. So I got concerned and called my OB/GYN. Was set to go November 13th. Well my period finally started November 9th. That cycle ended up being 75 days long. It was super heavy (I usually have light periods). I couldn’t wear a tampon because I would have to change a S+ tampon in 30 minutes. So I had to wear pads. I had some heavy clotting with some larger clots, but nothing too irregular. My period was also super painful with lots and lots of very bad cramping and usually I don’t cramp much. So I went to the doctor on the 13th of November and told him what was going on and he didn’t seem concerned at all and said I probably just didn’t ovulate during that time. He didn’t do any blood work or anything, But I honestly feel like I could have possibly had a miscarriage and he just missed it. I’ve been really upset about it and just need answers. What do you think?