Rebecca • Wife. Mama of 3. Caffeine enthusiast. 💕

Guys, I can’t even begin to tell you how much of a wimp I am with pain.... I am telling you, I can’t even barely handle dang poop cramps on a normal daily bowel movement 😂. But anyway, after having a traumatic first birth which was an induction, terrible epidural experience (1 hour and 30 minutes to place) 4 1/2 hours of pushing, forceps with injury to my little boy 😢(he’s perfectly healthy today though❤️), I was determined to make this labor different. I studied A LOT on natural labor, breathing techniques and I went into this labor determined to not allow any interferences, pain meds , or epidural...(no judgment to any amazing mama’s that do y’all, trust me, I almost gave in).

So my beautiful little boy climbed into bed with me this morning around 6 am and said “hold my hand, Mama.” I held his sweet little hand and waited for him to drift off back to sleep, and around 30 minutes later, my water broke... I was in shock! It was almost like my little boy sensed today was the day baby sister was coming. I got my ducks in order and headed to the hospital and arrived around 9:30 am. Contractions did not start despite leaking and gushing like crazy! I was a little disappointed when the nurses and ob said they were going to start pitocin to jump start labor.. I knew the pain was going to double and intensify. Well, the pitocin was started and about 2 hours in, contractions were coming every 6-8 minutes full force. I breathed and focused on something different each time the contraction hit. Also, my husband put pressure on my lower back during a contraction, which helped tremendously. After about 3 hours of laboring and hurting, I asked if I could do the birthing ball... you guys, that thing is AMAZING. Although my contractions got so much more intense and uncomfortable, being able to roll/bounce/move on that thing did wonders. And after about 1 hour and 30 minutes , baby was engaged at 0, I was 100% effaced and 7 cm dilated!!! My nurse then told me to get on the hospital bed and do the hands and knee position to help bring baby down even more. So I did, and with every contraction, I swayed my hips....it wasn’t easy, this is when the contractions were becoming almost unbearable...I started feeling pressure to poop, and it was coming fast... suddenly contractions were back to back. Nurse came in, did a cervical check while I was contracting (OUCH) and told me to allow my body to naturally push itself to bring baby down more... well, I did that and after about 3 of those contractions, I couldn’t stop..I told her BABY GIRL IS COMING!!! I will not be told NOT TO PUSH, I ignored that request while the other nurses called my ob... I pushed and within two pushes (while screaming and feeling the ring of fire) baby girls head was out, (that was the biggest relief)!!! And in one more push, she was completely out. Ob didn’t even finish getting dressed, my nurse delivered her. (Seriously guys, I don’t know where I would’ve been without my nurse❤️). The pain was gone. That was that. I had done it. Something I was so unsure if I could do...I felt like a warrior. The best feeling I ever had. I felt amazing, I had full control over my body, I felt everything and my body directing my little girl out..it was empowering. I can’t imagine ever doing it differently... My Isadora Jean was born perfectly healthy @ 4:42 pm, 7Ibs 12oz, 18 inches long. ❤️❤️ My little family of four. ❤️❤️

UPDATE: 3/4/2018: WOW!!! I have been in a bubble these last 3 weeks adjusting to our new life and I come back to AMAZING love and support from all you beauitful ladies!! I can’t thank you all enough for all the beautiful comments, and to the ladies who say I’m inspiring, so are YOU! No matter what type of labor you have, we have brought life to this world, and alone, that is amazing. I just hope my story helps someone who wants a natural labor, just like so many birth stories on here helped me! Remember, take one contraction at a time, relax in between, breathe through the pain, and remember it’s not forever. I hope you all have a beautiful pregnancy, and smooth labor! Again, thank you for all the loving comments and likes. 😍❤️❤️😍