Who knew I could get my husband something so awesome for Valentine’s day?!?


I tossed and turned for a little while, I felt a little crampy and honestly thought I had to poop. So I finally give in and start to get up to head to the bathroom. Of course the moment I flip the covers off of me, my phone hits the floor. So I start looking for it, finally spot it...once I bent over to get it I felt a rush of fluid. So I’m thinking “great, I’ve pissed myself.” Finally get to the bathroom, still irritated because I think Ive pissed my pants. I couldn’t poop but I peed a little and when I went to wipe, it was a little pink. Strange I thought but honestly I was going to head back to bed, my OB appointment was just a couple hours away anyhow. When I stood up, I felt another gush of fluid, this time it was running down my legs and onto the floor...and it was bright red. So I called L&D; and of course they told me to head in. My husband and I grabbed our bags and out the door we went. Upon arrival it was confirmed that I was 2cm dilated and 80% effaced...and also it was definitely my water that broke and not pee. I got set up in a room by 9am where they started pitocin per doctor’s orders. By 10am my contractions were getting pretty intense and steadily 5 minutes apart. I got my epidural after that. From that point on it was pretty much a fairy tale start to my labor. I napped and relax until about 3pm. After that the pressure was getting uncomfortable. By 4:30 I was pushing. Can I just say I’m a FTM and wasn’t at all prepared for the mental or physical strain of labor, that sounds ignorant I know. I cried, swore I wasn’t going to be able to do it and was literally having a mental break down. 29 minutes later, our girl was born. I couldn’t believe I actually did it or that she was actually here. It was such an emotional moment. She weighed in at 7lbs 14 oz and 21.5 inches long! She was 4 days early. I ended up with a 2nd degree tear and had to be stitched up. But it was all worth it! Sitting here now, holding her...I still can’t believe we made her. I am recovering well, she’s as healthy as can be and we home to go home sometimes in the late evening tonight. Who would have thought I could get my husband something so awesome for Valentine’s Day?!? ❤️