Will yoga help me lose weight and tighten up?

RiRi , P & PJ’s Mom 💗💖💙

Please no body bashing, I’m getting that enough when I was super skinny and now!!! So I’m about to be 30 and my daughter is about to be 2. Before I was pregnant I juggled between 103-110 and I’m 5’4, I ate like I shouldn’t have been even near the weight that I was. I LOVE FOOD lol, however after pregnancy I bounced back but not all the way back and put the frosting on the cake I started to gain weight, I’m a 134 and it shows. It makes me feel like I don’t know who I am. My belly is disgusting, sticks out and it’s jiggly and I have love handles and back fat. And all my family brings it up and notices, so enough with the sad story. If I commit to yoga everyday will that give me my abs back and get me in shape?