I don’t want to be stuck


So, me and my fiancé are supposed to be moving into an apartment on Monday. Lately, he’s just been treating me horribly. Yesterday, I didn’t wanna drive to McDonald’s to get food bc it was 20 mins away and we had food at home, he started complaining and getting angry. I finally drove him and he said he will give me gas money... today I ask if we can go get gas in my car... he gets super angry and was like “no, bc you wanted to go get food too” but I didn’t and I didn’t even get food... and so he just yelled and told me to leave him alone and to not talk to him.

Basically, the smallest things I say to him, he gets so angry and goes off... I’m just so done being treated like this. I asked him if he’s unhappy and if he wants to be with me and all I got back was “don’t wanna talk”. I’m just so done putting in so much to someone who doesn’t care.

The only reason I think I’m staying is bc I want out of my parents house soooo bad, it’s horrible here. I have no friends to roommate with either. But I don’t wanna get stuck living with him... bc I don’t really think we will work out...

Two questions: can you get apartment deposits back if you decide to not rent the place. 2. What should I do?

Sorry this post was so long. Thank you for reading it!