This guy wants to lose his virginity with me at 15


Hi, quick story....when I was 13, their was this guy that really liked me he was 12...for some reasons...he liked me a lot...I mean too much...he also asked me out to be his gf 4 times and I never knew who he was and didn’t have any feelings for him so obviously I said no, I never knew him at all...later on he asked for my number and we started texting and talking until he would tell me how he loved my breast size, my ass, and many things, then I asked why he wanted my body so much because me being me, I know I am not a “easy one” no matter how much I ask or annoy...I have to meet you and see if you r loyal and actually see if you want me for who I am...I know how far a guy can get and trust me.. I can spot a “fuckboi” from experience... I later asked why he wanted my body and he responded with, “ oh umm it’s not your body, it is also your personality that turns me on” I mean how the hell...this kid dosent even know me at all... all of a sudden I started getting messages from girls who dated him and how he liked more than one girl at the same time while dating. Let me just clear this up a bit...I’ve been played before and it really someone can be so fake and.. (psst I am now 15) months later...he asked if we can lose our virginity at 15....I was only 13 so me being really dumb...I responded with.. “Not now but when we are 15,I promise we will lose it” he kept saying how his dick wanted to be inside me and actually he once told me he was masturbating while texting me...then I asked why he cheated and grabbed girls asses without permission...that got me pretty mad...that already shows he has no respect towards girls...he swears that he will change for me and he will be less of a jerk with other girls...yeah I see this kid everywhere...I am now 14...almost 15... he is all grown up and I am not going to lie to you...he is really really hot...I know how sex works but I dont think I want to lose my virginity with him...he seems off at times and suspicious..( he said he will “change” but I really don’t know...I need advice from women...please tell me what I should do?! I will be responding back I seriously need advice