Would you leave your husband...


...if a woman on the app told you to? I see so many women on this app that tell other women to leave their husband without even knowing the entire situation. The woman will post on here about how she suspects that her husband is cheating or how she caught him watching porn and it makes her uncomfortable blah blah blah. And then all of these women comment on these posts and say stuff like, “You need to leave him” “if I were you I would get a divorce” “yep he’s cheating” “he’s probably hiding it so you won’t find out” “if he’s doing that he probably doesn’t care about you and he’s planning on leaving you” and the list goes on. Do men cheat? Yes. Is it wrong? Yes. But who are we to tell a woman to break up her family without knowing 100% that he’s cheating? I think it’s ridiculous. Women have children that they have to think about. I know some situations are a lot worse than others but we should think about if we would take our own advice at the drop of a hat.