sex after 6 years


Okay so me and my boyfriend have been together for 6 years... we have always had really great sex (sorry TMI) but lately it's like he doesn't ever want to.. we use to have sex a few times a week and he'd be all over me and coming on to me first.. now the only time we have sex is like on Saturday mornings when we first wake up and it's like real fast get to the point just to have an orgasm kinda sex.. that's it.. I try to have sex randomly just to spice things up, I'm always the one coming on to him.. tonight I tried while we were on the coach, and he turned it down and said he really didn't feel like it.. which is fine.. but he never use to do that.. I don't want to feel like I have to beg to have sex.. I hate always being the one to try to start things.. I wish he would come on to me sometimes.. or maybe ever have sex randomly on a Wednesday night or something other than a routine every Saturday morning nothing romantic or crazy just plan routine like sex.. I don't know what

t to do or how to get things to change 😔