Insight needed Please


Hello ladies,

TTC for 6 months. Had a chemical last month beginning of Feb. I was using opk but wasn't getting the LH surge because I tested once a day, so we just tried to have alot of sex. My period didn't show up so I took a HPT and got a faint positive. I took one again and was another faint positive. I am bleeding though for the last 2-3 days. It is light bleeding. I don't have any cramps or pain, other then a bit of lower back pain which is probably from bleeding. I know you can have implantation bleeding. However because of last month I am scared to get too excited. I know you can be more fertile after a MC so maybe it's good news. I am going for a blood test today and seeing doctor tomorrow. However I am feeling very worried and stressed. My hubby is so sweet and supportive but I feel like I need some advice from women, since my friends don't know. I am feeling nervous, and scared. I just want to be happy and excited instead of worrying but I can't help it !!! Can anyone offer advice or share any stories!!