Ok so I have this friend (let’s call her Angel) and Angel had a boyfriend (call him jack). Ok so far so good right


So my friend Angel has boyfriend troubles. She and her ex (call him Henry) we’re getting a little frisky behind Jacks back. But with all do respect she didn’t have much choice (Henry is a ass who was black mailing Angel😑)

So any way Angel comes to me asking to get back with Jack when he found out (nothing to bad right?) just wants me to snoop, see if he likes anyone get to know him, like any friend would do in this unfortunate situation. So I go over and befriend him👫 (kind of, kinda sexist and have a boyfriend but oh well😬) so we talking for a week or two and throughout the entire time he’s complementing me. Nothing bad right a complements a complement, right?

WRONG ANGAIN MOTHER F&*!’S!!! As it would turn out as I’m walking him to his class I ask him why he’s always complimenting me (even though I repeatedly tell him to stop). You know what he tells meh?




Worst part? The year before I had a semi crush on him, and that’s when he started liking me and never really got over me cause, I quote, “I’m one of the few people he can genuinely smile around and be myself”. But that was in the past and I’m in a relationship (which he understands and will not pursue me🙄🙏)

Here’s the bad part though. I told my bestie everything. I know, I know, why’d a stupid bitch like me do a stupid thing like that? Cause I ain’t lying to my bestie. Luckily she ain’t mad at me. But here’s what I need help with. What do I do with Jack? Cause I know a you ladies know that a guy won’t leave you alone, even if you’re in a relationship (not saying that about every guy but still, remember I’m sexist and a hypocrite cause I have a bf and idc🤷‍♀️)

So yeah. What’d I do about Jack? Cause Angel still wants him but Henry ( the black mailer) might do something to fudge things up again like he already has. So, help?


Ok if there’s any confusion I’m not interested in Jack. I love my boyfriend and have been with him for 1 year. Sorry if there was any mixups 😬😅😅😅