😭😭😭I just need some one to talk to that maybe has gone though this


So I’ve been with my partner for 3 years and like every relationship we have had our ups and downs and we still sticked together he is my better have we talked about having baby’s after we got married bc we wanted to start our own little family besides our dog so we got married last year and November we started trying to have kids before that but I couldn’t get pregnant (I don’t know why) but then after we got married we decide we were not gonna stress over that and just let it happen when it did and then January came and I found out that I’m pregnant we were so happy and excited but scared but we got though that we will go to doctors appointment and everything when I turn 11weeks things start being different he was distant like he didn’t want to be with me he started telling me that he was tired of this relationship and no longer felt for me what he use to then he said he didn’t want to keep going with any of this and he also didn’t want to be a dad anymore but it’s my baby and I want to keep it we started talking about giving our relationship another try but he just doesn’t want to he now says he wants the baby and will be there for it but no longer want to be with me I’m broken I don’t know what to do my friends say that maybe it’s the pregnancy that has him like that but I love this man and I feel like I’m losing everything the only thing keeping me up is this baby I am now 12w5days