No fetal pole at 5 weeks 4 days

Tammy • Kendra Elizabeth 5 pounds 11 ounces 19 inches November 20, 2011.......Orion Everleigh 4 pounds 0 ounces 15.36 inches September 22, 2018

Last Sunday my boyfriend took me to the emergency room because I was bleeding so heavily. After doing a transvaginal ultrasound they found a subchorionic hematoma adjacent to the gestational sac I have never been so scared in my entire life. I thought I was loosing the baby. I bled with my first child & thought I was also loosing her but this was so much worse. After doing an HCG blood test my levels were at 17,111.9 On Friday I had another appointment with my OB & the day before I had another HCG blood test. My levels had risen to 26,225. While talking with the doctor she said that with my levels being so high she would have thought that a fetal pole would have been seen. Like I said at that time I was only 5 weeks and 4 days. I have read online about other woman not seeing a fetal pole until they were almost 9 weeks but my doctor is sending me for another ultrasound on Monday because she wants to see if a fetal pole can be seen on Monday. On this app it shows that the fetal pole of the embryo wouldn’t be seen until about 7 weeks or more. Has any of you ever been through this and had everything turn out alright?? I am so nervous that on Monday there will still be no fetal pole & that they will say I have a blighted ovum. I am also scared that the doctor will try to talk me into “taking care of it” & it will be to early. I don’t want to make any sudden decisions & spend the rest of my life questioning myself. I desperately just want to be counting 10 little toes & 10 little fingers on a healthy baby in October.