Boyfriend doesn‘t esteem me


So I think most of you are americans or just speak english.. so.. i’ll try my best to translate!:) so this is a chat with my boyfriend and the picture says “A girl who wants the best for you, is the best for you“and he says no you don‘t want the best for me and i said of course i do, you just don‘t see it. He always says i don‘t want him to have fun and just wanna hurt him, but thats not true!! So theres a backround story, his friends girlfriend is.. i don‘t know, i don‘t like her and i said to him i don‘t want him to do something with her and her friends because she goes to drugdealers, she smokes e-shisha and i don‘t want him to drink too much alcohol because he gets ‚out of control‘ when he‘s drunk. So i think i actually want the best for him and i want to keep him away from drugs and too much alcohol you know?

Whats your opinion? Am i a bad girlfriend?

and btw we are 16 and his friends are 15 and yes at the age of 14/15/16 teenagers in germany are drinking a lot of alcohol, so in the village i come from.

i really hope you understood what i mean and my translation, my english is still not the best😅