Dreaming about gender

Did you have any dreams about the gender of your baby before finding out? Was it right?

I’m not pregnant, well maybe, I’m in my two week wait. And I have the clearest dream of my life that we had a girl. Not specifically a baby girl in the dream.. but we have a boy and a girl name picked and I seen her name so clearly all over the dream. We’ve not really ever came to an agreement on a first name but we’ve always agreed on this middle name. He likes my first name and I like his so 🤷🏼‍♀️ but this middle name was everywhere. In one point of the dream the name was wrote with Daisy’s all around it like it was spring time , the word April was floating around as well.. I’m not sure if this means April will be when I find out I’m pregnant .. or .. we plan on actually TRYING for a baby in July.. putting my due date for April. Just such an odd dream but so beautiful !

Anyone else?

*also to add.. we don’t even want a girl. Well we want any baby God wants us to have 😂 but we are hoping for a boy so its not like I dreamed this because I’m hoping for a girl 🤔