All Day Sickness 🤢

I’ll be 10 weeks tomorrow and from the first day to now I’ve had all day(morning) sickness. It’s so bad I can barely eat or drink without feeling like I’m constantly going to throw up. I’ve thrown up a few times. I’ve been to the hospital twice one day after another to get IV fluids. The only time I feel well is when I’m sleeping and even then the sickness wakes me up. I’ve tried so many things to help. Vitamin B6, coke soda pop, crackers, six small meals instead of 3 large meals, over the counter medicine, and my doctor prescribed me two kinds of medicine to help. One of the medications has the risk of birth defects like cleft lip. Cleft palate already runs in my family so I am trying to avoid the medication. And the other one I had a bad reaction to. I’ve missed work because of how bad the morning sickness is. I’m a house keeper at a nursing home so I’m on my feet all day. The last time I was at work I felt so sick and very lightheaded that I ended up just finishing what I was doing and went home. I know this may sound ridiculous but I feel like I’m already failing as a mother because I know I’m not eating or drinking enough.

Is there anything you ladies have tried for morning sickness that’s helped you? At this point I’m desperate.

Sorry for the long post.