Bisexual problems

Ok so I'm a sophomore, been dating this guy in my year for about an year and a half now, and I really do like him very very much, I could even say I actually love him and see myself spending my life with him... but I have this little thing bugging me.

I'm bisexual. I know that since the end of 7th grade. I had a huge crush on a girl friend of mine that lasted even after I started dating my actual boyfriend (but not anymore). She was bisexual too, but things were complicated and we only "hooked up" (they were rather make-out sesions that pretty much never implied and kind of 🐱 action) a few times during 8th grade and 9th grade before I started going out with my bf.

The thing is, I'm afraid that if I really do manage to stay with my bf (a thing that I really wanna do and I am doing my best towards), at some point in the future I will regret never having experienced that kind of intimacy with a girl - cuddling, sleeping together, doing each other's make-up, eating chocolate together when we're on our periods and whatever other lesbian couples do together. It's just that it feels like it would be so different, and at times it makes me really sad when I think that I will never experience that. In the same time, I don't wanna break up with my bf, he's one of the most caring people I have ever met and he makes me so happy, but even doe he knows that I'm bi, there's no way I could have him let me experience without damaging our relationship too much.

Is anyone else feeling this way?