Vaginal irritation. Stupid boy.

I’m experiencing vaginal irritation. My discharge is a little off so I think i have a yeast infection. Not something you want to talk about with a guy you like. We were hanging out & cuddling & started kissing. He went to finger me and i stopped him. He asked why and i didn’t know if i should tell him the truth or lie and say i wasn’t in the mood when i clearly was. So i stammered and said i don’t know and um a lot and then i finally said that i want to but i don’t think i should bc my vagina has been irritated since the last time we had sex (wednesday). He said he’d never heard of that and thought it was weird since we had sex “so long ago” and said it sounded like an excuse and when i was brave enough to give him answers i knew where to find him. I was so nervous & embarrassed to tell him and now i feel more embarrassed and mad and stupid. And like why are boys so fucking stupid. He kept having me explain what i meant by irritation. Didn’t like my answers. Said i was being vague. He left. I just want some support. I texted him an article on vaginal irritation and the definition of irritation. I think he thinks i slept with someone else & have an std or something. I’m so embarrassed & mad at his ignorance.