yeast infection cream nightmare


I'm literally crying and freaking out over this.

My doctor prescribed me terconazole cream. I looked up info about it and it says not to use while pregnant in many articles. That it

Could cause risk to the baby and cramping. What the hell?!

It's been awful trying to get over bacteria vaginosis all last week (the other cream for that did not work). Dr wanted me to do another 5 days worth of metadronizole gel for BV but I asked if I could do yeast infection treatment instead..... Since it now feels like a yeast infection this week. Then he perscribes this. Just changes it for the pharmacy without even telling me.... I would have liked to ask him questions first before he randomly just switched my meds without discussing any possible issues first :(

Anybody else take this while pregnant? I'm only 12 weeks along (it did say to definitely not take it

During first 3 months...)

Did you take anything for yeast while pregnant that was safe, and worked well?