Absolutely heart broken

So a few days ago I found out I had been blessed with a baby, today at 5+4 weeks I started to bleed, started off light and gradually got darker bright red blood and Tiny red clots, a little cramping but not server, went to emergency department (uk) was told I have to wait 4 days for an early scan to determine if baby is ok or is gone.. I just can’t cope it’s been half a day and I’m going out of my mind I’m trying to keep hope but it’s fading I’m off to emergency department again to ask for a blood test to check my hgc levels then I should be able to find out for sure if I have indeed miscarried, my heart is hurting so much just praying that everything is going to be find and that this is nothing 😞 anyone been through the same and went on to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby? Could do with some positive vibes right now 💔