Is it ME??-I started rambling-sorry

Ok ladies...I’ve been beating myself up for a few years husband & I have been together for 10 years (well Memorial Day Weekend will be 11). We’ve been married for 8 years (9 in June). He has abruptly stopped giving, receiving, wanting, or doing anything sex related forever (I’m talking years guys!). I keep hearing it’s bc he’s got a side b**ch & I really don’t believe that but it’s honestly the only thing that makes sense...I’ve NEVER heard of a guy NOT wanting sex (& I’m talking about all things related to sex; no oral, foreplay, no nothing). I read all of the stories here & they’re amazing; yet they just tend to add to my sorrow bc I feel as if I’m the only woman on the face of the planet who’s husband just doesn’t want her...insult to injury-he jacks himself off & buys himself cock rings (he’s says to keep his balls off of the tank of his bike when he’s riding) & recently he left out a dick pump (which I didn’t even know he had). I’ve been told several times that I just need to find someone else, but this is my man, the one I chose to spend the rest of my life with & I can’t imagine my life without the same time I can’t keep feeling so unwanted...