best friend

so my best friend and i have been crazy close for over a year now with barely any arguments but when we do have arguments she gets mean and petty even when i’m not trying to argue with her, she makes really fast decisions without thinking them through and does the same with her words. so me and my boyfriend have been dating for a little over 6 months now and recently they’ve gotten close and started being really close friends. i think it’s great that we can spend time together as a group as we used to be able to do this with our other friend but then my best friend wanted to date him and it ended really bad bc she got all petty and rude to him so i’m glad to have that bond in the group again. but what my best friend does is when her close friends post pictures on instagram or if she shouts them out on her story she calls the girls (like me) hottie or babygirl with a ton of like emojis and tells them how hot they are and stuff and it’s the same with guys just w the names like daddy or cutie and so idc if she does that but she started doin it on my boyfriends posts and when she would shout him out on her story and i started feeling uncomfortable bc of it so i asked my boyfriend if he thought i was insane for thinking that and he said no and that he would feel uncomfortable if one of his friends commented that type of stuff on my posts or talked about me like that. he said that i should confront her about it but just be nice and be like hey i’m really not tryna be mean or a bitch it just really makes me feel uncomfortable when you comment or post stuff about how hot my boyfriend is and calling him daddy and so i did and she immediately got petty and rude to me and was like well he’s my best friend and i was like yea but he’s my boyfriend and it makes me feel uncomfortable, it’s not gonna hurt or damage your physical or mental health to just not call my boyfriend daddy and hot on social media especially when it makes me feel uncomfortable so can you please just not do that anymore and she just stopped talking to me and then ignored me for the rest of the night and then posted a picture of my boyfriend with the caption “love this cutie smmm don’t ever leave me🤤💦💦😉😘😘” like ??? am i wrong for feeling uncomfortable and annoyed that she feels the need to be so immature about this like cmon i get it’s a joke but if it makes your friend feel uncomfortable wouldn’t you just stop? please give me feedback