?? any success with one repaired tube??


we've been TTC since Sept 2014. this year we finally sought help. 2/2 I had an HSG that revealed hydrosalpinx on both tubes. 3/26 I had surgery- right tube was beyond repair so it was removed, but they opened the left tube. I had some other adhesions removed, but the tubes were my main concern. My surgeon is recommending we try 3 cycles of medicated <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> and then repeat the HSG if I don't get pregnant by the end of July. I kinda want to try it naturally, but I don't want to waste time because I know there is a chance I could end up losing my other tube. Does anyone have any advice? How long did it take you to conceive after surgery? What route did you take? Anything helps at this point. Thanks!