Hip and leg pain

Donielle • #boymom #angelbaby #chdawareness #HLHSAwareness

I'm 34w2d and the last couple weeks I've had really bad hip pain that sometimes radiates down my legs. It's mostly at night while I start laying on them and have to try to flip side to side to get comfortable (I'm normally a belly sleeper). I've tried a heating pad, hot baths, Epsom salts in my bath, Tylenol... I have a pregnancy pillow I use and an extra one between my ankles and some nights nothing helps and I wake up in so much pain I can barely walk. I'm sure it's probably just the extra weight that I'm not use to (weighed 125 pre-pregnancy and have gained around 30lbs) but it seems like it's getting worse. Anyone else getting this? Any suggestions?